Showing Post From Technology

Why I Took the Leap from Medium to Create My Personal Blogging Website

Why I Took the Leap from Medium to Create My Personal Blogging Website

Blogging has become an increasingly popular platform for individuals to share their thoughts, ideas, and expertise with the world. With the rise of platforms like Medium, it has never been easier to start a blog and reach a wide audience.

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Creating RESTful services with Go — Part 2

Creating RESTful services with Go — Part 2

In this blog, we are going to be building a fully-fledged REST API that exposes GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT endpoints that will subsequently allow you to perform the full range of CRUD operations.

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Creating Microservices With Go — Part 1

Creating Microservices With Go — Part 1

Coming from a JavaScript background, I have always wanted to learn a static-typed programming language, earlier this year I picked up Golang after reading the reviews about the language, Golang is backed by Google.

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