Showing Post From Machine Learning

Exploring if Large Language Models possess consciousness

Exploring if Large Language Models possess consciousness

As technology continues to advance, the development of large language models has become a topic of great interest and debate. These models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, are capable of generating coherent and contextually relevant text that often mimics human-like language patterns.

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Comparative Analysis of Text Prediction in Gmail and Outlook

Comparative Analysis of Text Prediction in Gmail and Outlook

The use of communication tools like chat and email to complete daily activities is becoming more and more crucial. Time can be saved and productivity increased with accurate real-time phrase completion.

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Text Classification in NLP using Cross Validation and BERT

Text Classification in NLP using Cross Validation and BERT

In natural language processing, text categorization tasks are common (NLP). Depending on the data they are provided, different classifiers may perform better or worse (eg.

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A Deep Dive into Reinforcement Learning: Q-Learning and Deep Q-Learning on a 10x10 FrozenLake Environment

A Deep Dive into Reinforcement Learning: Q-Learning and Deep Q-Learning on a 10x10 FrozenLake Environment

Reinforcement Learning is a machine learning method in which an algorithm makes decisions and takes actions within a given environment and learns what appropriate decisions to make through trial-and-error actions.

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RNN for sequence-to-sequence classification

RNN for sequence-to-sequence classification

In order to understand a sequence of information we need to understand each input of data based on the understanding of previous data.

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Learning based models for Classification

Learning based models for Classification

Thousands of learning algorithms have been developed in the field of machine learning. Scientists typically select from among these algorithms to solve specific problems.

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